Tag Archives: THC

Washington Releases a Report on THC Impaired Driving

“A link between THC blood levels and impairment may never be
developed comparable to the relationship that exists for alcohol.
Alcohol and marijuana are very distinct in terms of chemical makeup, body metabolism, and psycho-motor impairment and therefore should not be compared. Strategies implemented to reduce alcohol-impaired driving are not likely to have the same impact on reducing drugged drivers.”  — Ed Wood, DUID Victims Voices.  THC is the short name for the most psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana.   This information is in a 61-page summary released by the state of Washington in October.
Winward High School
Flowers set before Windward High School in Ferndale, where two teens were killed and two injured on their way to PE Class, June 2015. The driver who was a daily marijuana smoker.

The number of marijuana-impaired drivers rose to 75 in 2014, first year of edible sales, up from 38 in 2013.

Phillip Drum, PharmD.,  writes the following summary of this report:  Washington’s driving data is finally coming out and it is NOT good at all.  It confirms what Dr. Marilyn Huestis has been warning about for years – that marijuana impairs driving.

Continue reading Washington Releases a Report on THC Impaired Driving

Colorado Issues 3rd Marijuana Report

Colorado published its 3rd report on the Impact of Marijuana in Colorado.  Colorado opened commercial marijuana stores in January, 2014. That year also saw the following, according to the report:

  • a 29% increase in the number of marijuana-related emergency room visits,

  • a 38% percent increase in the number of marijuana-related hospitalizations,

  • 30 injuries from THC extraction labs (also called BHO labs or hash oil explosions), compared to 18 in 2013

    Continue reading Colorado Issues 3rd Marijuana Report

Marijuana is Connected to Psychosis and Schizophrenia

11717A study from the University of Pittsburgh which denies the mental health hazards of marijuana is surprising, since there are many other scientific studies pointing to a causal or trigger relationship between marijuana use and psychosis potentially developing into schizophrenia. The Pittsburgh study is limited by its small size; reliance on self-reporting and lack of diversity.  In fact, the sample size of 408 was 55% African American and included virtually no Hispanics or Asians.  It began in 1987, when the THC in marijuana was lower.  Read Dr. Christine Miller’s article on Marijuana Myths.

Research in the UK[i] reveals than one in four serious mental disorders are a result of “skunk” (i.e. high THC pot) including Continue reading Marijuana is Connected to Psychosis and Schizophrenia

That Chocolate Smoothie That Sent Me to ER Had THC

I was cleaning my fridge last Saturday and found a bottle of chocolate smoothie that was placed by a family member.  I drank it because it did taste good. The label looked just as same others so I did not pay close attention to it. About an hour later, I started to feel a bit dizzy. It steadily got worse and saw constant flicking lights.

My body started to float around. I realized that something is seriously wrong and thoughts flashed through my head: Is it a stroke? Is my brain? Am I going into shock? I was afraid to fall asleep because I didn’t know what it was. I was crying with confusion. To make matters worse, I was alone in my home. Continue reading That Chocolate Smoothie That Sent Me to ER Had THC