We have published 116 amazing testimonies that have been submitted to us. They are divided into Parent testimonies; Adults looking back; Teen and young adult testimonies and testimonies from Canada. We publish stories if your write to [email protected], and you may remain anonymous.
Here’s a sampling of some of the most alarming stories from each group here.
A Father’s Warning about Chris’s short and tragic life
Who Said No One Ever Died from Marijuana
Marijuana and Domestic Violence — a testimony
There’s 2 stories from adults, writing about their parents’ pot use. “My Dad Will Never Stop Smoking Pot” in The Atlantic, 1 /15/ 2014.
Growing up with stoner parents
Here’s the story of 3 different young people, all of whom are addicted to marijuana. The video is by MTV.
There are a lot of marijuana horror stories and some are afraid to share because of the backlash from the marijuana community which projects a cult-like aura. If you want the story published anonymously, we will honor your request.
Parents Opposed to Pot
P O Box 2462
Merrifield, VA 22116-2462