Tag Archives: CNN

Boycott CNN and pay no attention to Dr. Sanjay Gupta

We call for a boycott of Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s program, Weed 7, to be aired August 6, 2023, on CNN.  Dr. Gupta’s weed series has always been an aggressive attempt to sell the public on marijuana, even when the medical studies don’t support him.

For years Dr. Gupta has been supporting controversial medicines, such as Vioxx and the Gardasil shot.  He’s choosing to embroil himself in controversy again and ignore the pleadings of doctors and victims who’ve been harmed by cannabis.

The Parent Action Network (PAN) calls on parents to write CNN’s editors with objections to the program.  Continue reading Boycott CNN and pay no attention to Dr. Sanjay Gupta

A Response to Dr. Gupta’s program on Marijuana and Autism

On December 19, 2021, Dr. Sanjay Gupta presented on CNN a program about Marijuana and Autism, a program that begs a response.

Most of the program concentrated on one Texas family and their daughter with an extreme form of autism.  Their daughter, now a teen, was born very prematurely and has suffered for years.  Based on the recommendations of a neighbor, the parents found that marijuana use can stop their daughter’s self-injurious behavior.  (We sympathize with the girl, the parents and their very difficult situation.)

If THC can stop a brain that’s misfiring so easily, one begs to ask what cannabis can do to a brain that isn’t damaged?  Continue reading A Response to Dr. Gupta’s program on Marijuana and Autism

Mothers of Children Harmed by Marijuana Speak out against CNN

CNN Reporter Attached Gas Mask With Bong to Her Face 

A group of mothers with children who have died or been severely hurt by today’s highly potent marijuana admonished CNN for their coverage of pot during their New Years Eve programming, calling it a “free infomercial for Big Marijuana.”

Sally Schindel, whose US Veteran son died by suicide and left a note blaming marijuana for his condition stated, “No ratings are worth glamorizing drug abuse. Today’s highly potent marijuana is not something to joke about – for some, like our family, it is the cause of constant grievance and loss.”

The CNN coverage showed a clearly embarrassed Anderson Cooper hiding his eyes as CNN anchor Randi Kaye was surrounded by a man inhaling marijuana with a gas mask on.

Corinne Gasper’s daughter, Jennifer, was killed by a stoned driver on her way to work a few years ago. “Jennifer wasn’t home for the holidays again, but we were reminded of her horrible death courtesy of CNN glorifying pot use.”

SAM energizes group to speak out

SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana), a non-profit organization founded by a former member of Congress and a former Obama Administration drug policy advisor, is organizing these voices and others, as well as looking into CNN’s compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). SAM is also discussing options with private counsel.

Jody Belsher, whose son was triggered with a debilitating mental illness as a result of using pot, was watching CNN with her 6-year-old grandson when the marijuana coverage started. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. We were quickly reminded of our everyday nightmare. Why would CNN play a free infomercial from Big Marijuana, and where were the warnings to our children?”

SAM’s thousands of members are filing FCC complaints by using this link.

Laura Ingraham Show Countered CNN on the evening of  January 2. She interviewed Corinne Gasper whose daughter was killed by a stoned  medical marijuana user.


Celebrity doctors pushing medical marijuana need others’ evidence

Celebrity doctors who channel their education into the pursuit of fame should be especially careful of misleading people with harmful advice.  One wonders why Dr. Sanjay Gupta and more recently, Dr. Oz, are singing the praises of medical marijuana. Most likely the marijuana industry has been working hard to get their support.

Dr. Bertha Madras, Harvard University

On the other hand, Dr. Bertha Madras, Harvard Professor, explained five reasons marijuana is not medicine in the Washington Post.  She coined the phrase, “It’s not a war on drugs, but defense of our brains.”   Dr. Madras will be giving a webinar Continue reading Celebrity doctors pushing medical marijuana need others’ evidence