Tag Archives: Sally Schindel

Whoa Dude! New book on understanding weed

Think on these things before getting too deep into smoking Weed*    * Or what the science of marijuana is telling us about the harmful effects of marijuana for you, your friends, or your kids.

A book by Kevin G. Becker Ph.D. reviewed by Sally Schindel


It is a long title for a 222 page VERY readable book.

I have read dozens of books about marijuana – the drug and the industry, mental health harms caused by marijuana, substance use disorders and treatment and recovery.  Additionally, I’ve read books about the reasons so many feel commercializing and normalizing marijuana is acceptable public policy.

Many of the books left me feeling buried and over my head.

I’m not a scientist or medical professional. I’m a retired accountant/financial advisor and a Mom forever grieving the loss of my son Andy to marijuana-induced suicide.

I am insatiable about learning all I can find about marijuana risks and harms. Continue reading Whoa Dude! New book on understanding weed

Perspectives from Two Moms

Today  is 420 and it’s a hard day for Sally Schindel.  Four years ago Sally explained in the following video.

Sally has written other testimonies for us,  An Open Letter to the Person who Called me a Failed Parent and Who Said No one Ever Died from Marijuana

I’m a mom. I’m sick of this in-your-face cannabis culture

By Robin Finn, published in the Los Angeles Times, April 17, 2020

Parent’s Perspective — A few weeks before COVID-19 became national news, I went to a cannabis dispensary for the first time with my friend Amy who lives in New York City. They don’t have cannabis dispensaries there. It amazed me that we had something in Los Angeles that New York City didn’t have.

The shop we visited looked like a cross between an Apple store and Dylan’s Candy Bar. It had edibles and topicals and tinctures, all colorfully packaged and labeled in bright colors. Little piles of marijuana leaves were laid out in glass cases and labeled with names like “Red Sundae,” “Lava Flower” and “Snow Dream.”

Continue reading Perspectives from Two Moms

Mothers of Children Harmed by Marijuana Speak out against CNN

CNN Reporter Attached Gas Mask With Bong to Her Face 

A group of mothers with children who have died or been severely hurt by today’s highly potent marijuana admonished CNN for their coverage of pot during their New Years Eve programming, calling it a “free infomercial for Big Marijuana.”

Sally Schindel, whose US Veteran son died by suicide and left a note blaming marijuana for his condition stated, “No ratings are worth glamorizing drug abuse. Today’s highly potent marijuana is not something to joke about – for some, like our family, it is the cause of constant grievance and loss.”

The CNN coverage showed a clearly embarrassed Anderson Cooper hiding his eyes as CNN anchor Randi Kaye was surrounded by a man inhaling marijuana with a gas mask on.

Corinne Gasper’s daughter, Jennifer, was killed by a stoned driver on her way to work a few years ago. “Jennifer wasn’t home for the holidays again, but we were reminded of her horrible death courtesy of CNN glorifying pot use.”

SAM energizes group to speak out

SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana), a non-profit organization founded by a former member of Congress and a former Obama Administration drug policy advisor, is organizing these voices and others, as well as looking into CNN’s compliance with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). SAM is also discussing options with private counsel.

Jody Belsher, whose son was triggered with a debilitating mental illness as a result of using pot, was watching CNN with her 6-year-old grandson when the marijuana coverage started. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. We were quickly reminded of our everyday nightmare. Why would CNN play a free infomercial from Big Marijuana, and where were the warnings to our children?”

SAM’s thousands of members are filing FCC complaints by using this link.

Laura Ingraham Show Countered CNN on the evening of  January 2. She interviewed Corinne Gasper whose daughter was killed by a stoned  medical marijuana user.


Moms Strong Unite to Protect Children from Marijuana

“If Shane had known that marijuana could lead to any mental disorder, I know he never would have tried it,”  opined Lori Robinson, co-founder of the website Moms Strong.   “Even though my husband and I are from California and had never used drugs, California voted to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 when Shane was 10.  He grew up in a state that legitimizes marijuana use, way beyond the severe disabling health conditions for which people had voted 20 years ago. Continue reading Moms Strong Unite to Protect Children from Marijuana