Does Marijuana Cause Mental illness?

The THC in cannabis can destroy critical neuronal pathways in the developing brain, which can result in permanent brain changes. The worst case scenario is psychosis that becomes permanent and is then considered schizophrenia, a life-long, debilitating disease. No one can predict in advance who will be susceptible, as some can experience symptoms after a … Continue reading Does Marijuana Cause Mental illness?

Former NYT writer’s New Book Warns of Marijuana, Violence, Mental Illness

A former New York Times reporter and now a best-selling author, Alex Berenson has an important new book, Tell Your Children: The truth about marijuana, violence and mental health. Simon & Schuster will publish and release it on January 8, 2019. Indeed Berenson’s book promises to confirm the facts that we’ve been warning about: the … Continue reading Former NYT writer’s New Book Warns of Marijuana, Violence, Mental Illness

Dr. McKeganey Warned of the Marijuana – Mental Illness Link

PSA Warning Issued in 2005 was Ignored Eleven years ago the ONDCP and SAMHSA held a press conference to inform of research that confirms what many families already knew–that marijuana use was a trigger for psychosis and mental illness. The ONDCP is the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy; SAMHSA is the Substance … Continue reading Dr. McKeganey Warned of the Marijuana – Mental Illness Link