It’s so difficult to be happy when my 19-year-old daughter is succumbing to using illicit drugs; I pray and wish she’d stop using but with this new drug culture in our country. This culture is trying to normalize recreational drugs such as marijuana which makes it difficult for her to stop.
This is a picture from a drug dealer on Instagram; they sell to people on social media; does this look natural to you? It’s today’s crack weed marijuana and THC levels are extreme.
I was able to snap this picture from my daughter’s Instagram of someone she follows. This is not natural. I oppose ever legalizing marijuana because it’s causing mental illness and breaking apart families; that’s the real drug war.
“Dabs” and “wax” are considered the crack weed of today. There are websites which promote these products that can cause immediate psychosis. It’s not “natural.”
I feel like a failure as a parent; I couldn’t protect her from drugs because society is influencing her. Please, other parents, please be warned about the drugs and drug dealers, and what they are doing to your kids. Watch out for crack weed.
Editor’s Note: Alternative names are “wax,” budder,” “rosin,” “earwax” “710,” “shatter” and more. Search for our other articles on dabbing for a better understanding.
On Tuesday, two men and one woman were arrested in Arroyo Grande, after detectives served a search warrant for a home with a butane honey oil conversion lab. A 10-month old baby was found sleeping on a mattress surrounded by marijuana, pipes and broken glass. There was also a 12-year old and a 15-year old in the home.
Making BHO is becoming increasingly popular because VAPE PENs are now available. Tiny, potent “dabs” are put in the vape pens and go undetected because they don’t leave a smell or emit smoke. While marijuana today typical has 10-18% THC, the psychoactive element to bring the high, hash oil has up to 50-80% potency for a quicker, more lasting high.
“Honey,” “wax”, “dabs,” “budder,” “BHO,” “710,” “earwax,” and “shatter” are common terms for this trendy way to use marijuana. Makers follow online instructions, some shown on videos. Butane is the most popular way to make it, but not the only flammable product used.
Firefighters attempt to put out an fire caused by butane hash oil at a Walnut Creek, CA, home on October 31, 2014. Photo by Jodi Hernandez, from NBC Bay area News. Photo above, an NBC image also is by James Bogulawski.
Those who keep advocating for marijuana legalization need to consider the cost of public services for the explosions which mainly occur in California, Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
If we have legalization, we need to think about protecting the children, and if parents who endanger their children with drug usage should lose custody and visitation rights in divorce proceedings. If marijuana is legalized, explosions wouldn’t stop, as the pot promoters like to tell us.
We need to ask why many “medical marijuana patients” are so addicted that they ask for these quick highs. Could it be that medical marijuana providers are encouraging addiction to keep them permanently incapacitated? The man in Missoula had been burned previously, yet he continued to make hash oil, illegally. We need to recognize how addictive this marijuana extract is!
Get the Parents Opposed to Pot Hash Oil Facts! Download our new flyer, which describes the hash oil explosions in states which have permissive marijuana laws: POPPOT-Hash Oil Statistics.