Category Archives: Featured

Marijuana Defeat in Ohio Bursts the Myth that Legal Pot is Inevitable

Marijuana activists have been using the term “inevitable” to discourage Parents Opposed to Pot and other groups from fighting against legalization.   We are energized by the defeat of Issue 3, an effort to legalize medical and recreational marijuana in Ohio.  In a sweeping victory, 64.1 percent of Ohioans voted against the measure and 35.9 percent of the voters favored it.  The margin of victory is nearly 2 to 1, and those opposed to legalization may have been outspent by a margin of 8 to 1 or more. Continue reading Marijuana Defeat in Ohio Bursts the Myth that Legal Pot is Inevitable

Let’s Reconsider Drug Policy and Concentrate on Education

A man in Sweden wears a t-shirt with a phrase coined by Dr. Bertha Madras. Sweden’s drug policy has produced low youth drug usage.

The current drug overdoes epidemic is related to getting rid of in-school drug education and introducing “medical” marijuana followed by legalization  It’s goes against all reason to legalize and commercialize a drug of abuse  (marijuana) at a time that we have a drug epidemic.  Preventing drug use is not a “War on Drugs! It is Defense of our Brains,” according to Dr. Bertha Madras of Harvard University.

The current heroin epidemic offers a chance to revise drug policies, particularly in terms of prevention. Since our entertainment industry, media and society idealize drugs, a first step would be a national drug education program in Continue reading Let’s Reconsider Drug Policy and Concentrate on Education

Dope is Worse Than Alcohol

Regulation of alcohol does not keep alcohol out of the hands of children and teens. So when pro-pot people came up the idea “Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol,” they should have known that part of the plan would not be successful either.  Just ask any teacher in Colorado. As propagandists push marijuana to achieve equality with alcohol in American life, here’s a look at how they compare:

1) According to a report that came out last week, 30 % of marijuana users in the United States qualify as having Cannabis Use Disorder, vs. 10-20% of those of drinkers who Continue reading Dope is Worse Than Alcohol

Sanders Doesn’t Fully Understand Drug Use and Incarceration

During the Democratic debate on October 13, Bernie Sanders had a misunderstanding of the facts when he suggested people go to prison for smoking a joint. A few days ago, Dan Riffle, a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project, admitted on Twitter that people don’t go to jail just for that reason. However, over the last five years, the marijuana advocates have aggressively promoted the misconception that people are arrested and go to prison for pot possession alone.

If we want to prevent incarceration we need to prevent drug usage.  Misconceptions, like the one Sanders was endorsing, has fed a movement to empty federal prisons, because people have been given the wrong impression that drug abuse is a victimless crime.  The term “non-violent drug offenders” is an alternative way of referring to drug dealers, not a person caught with a joint. Continue reading Sanders Doesn’t Fully Understand Drug Use and Incarceration