The Zombie in the Box
By Colorado Mom I want to post so many things but I am afraid of the backlash unfortunately. I got married almost seven years ago; my husband and I have been separated over 5 years of it. At that time, he picked up marijuana usage. It is so extreme but he does not participate in our marriage or our family. We have 5-year-old little girl together and it greatly affects both of us including my other two children. He refuses to get a divorce or move back home. We live in Colorado and I am stuck in limbo.
He calls it his “medicine” and we argue about it so many times. One time I went to his place to tell him about the beauty pageant his daughter was in just a few blocks away. He was such a zombie just from marijuana. I don’t think he even knew I was there. It was like talking to a brick wall and one of the saddest things I’ve ever experienced. So many people tell me he must be doing other drugs, but I know he’s not. The marijuana is just extreme and he justifies it saying he needs it to sleep or his headaches or this or that.
I hate how much marijuana makes a person not care and lazy. It has destroyed my marriage even more than the damage that was caused by his infidelity the first year. If I say anything on social media people get mad and say oh so you don’t believe that it’s okay for kids with seizures for cancer patients. But almost every single person I know that uses marijuana doesn’t have seizures or cancer.
What a change: the before and after of marijuana
I could go on and on about the negative effects it has had on my daughter and myself and our marriage and him alone. My husband has gone 8 months without seeing his daughter. Usually he goes a month or two or three without seeing her, and he just doesn’t care. Marijuana has made him so numb that I’m surprised he still has a job.
You’d be shocked at the choices of living he chooses. He won’t move home because he knows how much I hate marijuana and he refuses to give it up.
We have with 5-bedroom, 3-bath home in a great neighborhood and a large backyard for dogs. He chooses to live in what I could only call box on wheels under a carport or in an extremely old RV that’s infested with mice. He lives behind a house in an alley and a very bad neighborhood. His shed is like trailer on wheels that a man has added windows and a door with steps.
Luckily my husband does not have any custody of my daughter. If so, she would be forced to play around all the junk that surrounds his place. He does pay child support, but only because the court orders him to pay it. Somehow he manages to keep his job.
Sometimes I want to post a picture of our lives with and without marijuana. Like our family picture and the house and all the fun things we do compared to being a zombie in a box on wheels under a carport.