Tag Archives: AB1207

California Child Cannabis Poisonings taken up by AB1207

At long last, California has taken action to stop the surge of cannabis poisonings in children. The Cannabis Candy Child Safety Act, AB1207, passed in the legislature and went to Governor Newsom’s desk for his signature last week.   It won’t solve the problem, but it may keep California emergency rooms slightly less busy.

The California State Senate voted 23 Aye, 10 No and the Assembly voted 63 Aye, 0 No,  landmark measure.  Introduced by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin of Thousand Oaks, The Cannabis Candy Child Safety Act – will implement key measures to protect children and youth. It defines more clearly types of unacceptable products, packaging, and labeling attractive to children or teens. Continue reading California Child Cannabis Poisonings taken up by AB1207