Choosing a College? Don’t Send Your Kid to Colorado

Or California, or Oregon or Washington

It’s that time of year when high school seniors apply to college and make decisions about their future.  By all means, they need to avoid colleges in Colorado, based on all reports we’re hearing from  that state.  It’s not the educational program, it’s the culture.  In Colorado, it’s even hard for high schools to educate their students.

Any state that legalizes marijuana creates a culture that normalizes drug use, which includes use of all drugs.   For example, in Pueblo, Colorado, 12 percent of the high school seniors have tried heroin.

In Colorado alone, the lives of four young men tragically ended in drug-induced deaths.  Last week The Atlantic  and the Washington Post published articles about Jonathan Winnefeld, who died three days after starting college in Colorado. The son of a U.S. Admiral, Jonathan had already spent time in drug rehab.  He died of heroin laced with fentanyl, an easy temptation in Denver.

Former Fox News Host, Eric Bolling’s son Chase met a similar fate at another Colorado institution, the University of Colorado at Boulder. He died in September from an overdose on marijuana, cocaine and fentanyl.

Megan Barry,  Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee lost her only son Max, after  he moved to the outskirts of Denver, Colorado in July.  Although the mayor said he was administered the life-saving drug Narcan, it didn’t work this time.  Max graduated from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington, another region chock full of marijuana dispensaries.   He had spent years fighting addiction, with the major drug of choice Xanax.

A graduate of Southern Methodist University in Texas, Marc Bullard, took a good job in Denver, Colorado.  He committed suicide after “dabbing” marijuana concentrates, the latest deadly cannabis craze.

Why Now?  What about other States with a Pot Culture?

Cannabis concentrates can be upwards of 90% THC.  The commercial marijuana industry pushes them heavily and  uses them in edible marijuana products.   It is the “dabbing” that killed Marc Bullard, because he recorded his addiction in his journals.  (See the video below, Marijuana – The State of the High)

Some states that have not legalized pot, like Vermont, are a huge risk because of students go there for the ski culture and to party.  Parents may look back at their college days and think they survived the partying, but those days did not include drugs like the drugs of today.    The marijuana was  a fraction of the hallucinogenic strength it is today.  Nobody was “dabbing.” 

Furthermore, it is not one drug, but poly substance abuse is the norm.

So, parents, a word to the wise. If your college-bound teen wants to go to Colorado, or any other state where recreational marijuana is legal and commercialized, they’re risking their lives. Not only have deaths occurred, but students are developing mood disorders, mental problems from experimenting with cannabis.

College campuses in pro-marijuana  states are awash in drugs, and some of their peers will promote drug use.  They say,  “It’s safer than alcohol,” or “It’s not addictive.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.

FROM THE PBS website:  In the premiere of Rocky Mountain PBS’ investigative series, “Insight”, news anchor John Ferrugia explores what is unknown about the risks of high potency THC for those who “dab” so-called “wax”, “honey”, or “shatter” that can bathe the brain with hundreds of milligrams of the drug. That’s compared to a limit of 10 milligrams per serving of edibles infused with THC.

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