This is a partial list of the advisors who helped us in the past. We must add the names of Dr. Ken Finn, Colorado Pain Specialist, Dr. Roneet Lev, an emergency physician in San Diego and Dr. Karen Randall, an emergency physician in Pueblo, Colorado.
Eric A. Voth, MD, FACP, is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Pain Management, and Addiction Medicine. He is a Former Vice-President of Primary Care at Stormont-Vail HealthCare in Topeka, Kansas. He is a pioneer in the appropriate prescribing of controlled medications, and is recognized as an international authority on drug use, drug policy-related issues, pain management, and appropriate prescribing practices.
Dr. Voth also serves as an advisor

on alcohol and drug abuse issues to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, is a former member of the National Advisory Committee for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of HHS, and is a Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas School of Medicine.
Dr. Steven Simerville is the Chair of Pediatrics at St. Mary- Corwin Medical Center in Pueblo, Colorado. He was recently featured on a segment of 60 Minutes dealing with the effects of legalization on newborn babies and teens in Pueblo. He also has a specialty in Internal Medicine
Dr. Elizabeth “Libby” Stuyt is an addictions psychiatrist. She is the Medical Director for the Circle Program at the Colorado Mental Health Institute. Her program treats dual diagnosis patients with co-existing addictions disorders. She is a board member of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association and an acudetox specialist. She is also trained in Brain Synchronization Therapy (BST) and uses it to help people resolve their trauma/PTSD.
Phillip Drum, Pharm. D. received his doctorate in 1986 from the University of California – San Francisco School of Pharmacy. He performed a pharmacy residency in hospital pharmacy at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. He has worked as a Oncology Clinical Pharmacist, Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator, Pharmacy Manager and Consultant specializing in patient safety and pharmacy training programs. He has been active in marijuana driving research and education following the tragic death of his sister.
Russell Kamer, MD is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at New York Medical College and an Affiliate Physician in Medicine at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons. After serving as a Drug testing Crew Chief for the National Collegiate Athletic Association and a Doping Control Medical Officer at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Dr. Kamer co-founded Partners In Safety Occupational Medicine. He has studied impairment in the workplace due to marijuana as a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Cannabis Impairment Taskforce.
Dr. Karen Randall, FAAEM is residency trained in emergency medicine, pediatrics and family practice. She is certified in Cannabis Science and Medicine.Dr. Randall previously worked in a level one trauma center as teaching faculty in Detroit for 15 years. Now works in an ER department in southern Colorado.
Former Advisor, to whom we attribute much of our knowledge:
Dr. Christine L. Miller obtained her B.S. degree in Biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology from the University of Colorado Health Sciences
Center. For over twenty-five years, she has researched the molecular neuroscience of schizophrenia, ten of those years at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. She is semi-retired, conducting occasional biomedical consulting on medical cases and an active volunteer for SAM-Maryland.