Tag Archives: youtube

Marijuana is More Dangerous than Previously Thought

A new video highlights the reasons why marijuana legalization is more dangerous than previously thought.

The narrator is Heidi Anderson-Swan, activist and author of A Night in Jail. 

Industrialized THC grew out of medicalization and legalization in certain states. Certainly today’s cannabis is way more dangerous than the old-fashioned weed before commercialization.

The video appears on the Every Brain Matters youtube channel. 

We encourage our readers to share this video.  It’s the last day to submit comments on the rescheduling of marijuana.  Do your part.

By allowing states to legalize marijuana, the drug has become more damaging than it was previously.

Parents Opposed to Pot Launches YouTube Channel

Parents Follow our YouTube Channel

Always seeking to educate about the true impact of marijuana legalization, Parents Opposed to Pot is launching a brand new YouTube channel.  The internet audience is bombarded with pro-pot messages, and our kids are seeing these false narratives, so we want the Parents Opposed to Pot channel to be the place where people can learn the truth. Marijuana is harming people and communities. It is not helping our country.

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