Tag Archives: medical marijuana card

Be Extraordinary, Be You: The Randy Bacchus Story

By Heather and Randy Bacchus, guests on the Dr. Phil Show, Merit Street Media Channel, July 15, 2024

Our son, Randy completed suicide shortly after sending us a message in the early hours of July 17th, 2021. 

Sadly, his last text to us stated, “I love you and am sorry for everything. I love dad and the same to him. I wish I would have been a better person.”

Randy often sent us songs he liked and related to. This is a line from the song Ordinary Man, one he sent a few months before he died. 

 “Yes, the truth is, I don’t wanna die an ordinary man…” 

Randy did not die an “ordinary man.”  In fact, his whole life, he was extraordinary, but he didn’t know it. From the day he was born until the day he died, he was an independent individual, special and unique. Continue reading Be Extraordinary, Be You: The Randy Bacchus Story

Our Lives Were Changed Forever

On March 27, 2019 our lives were forever changed.  We were devastated by the reckless and untimely death of our second child, Aaron Reddy, at the age of 18.  Considering that marijuana is the drug that killed my child directly,  the drug that was in his blood when he died, I am furious that our state just voted to legalize marijuana, without understanding its dangers. But now there is a growing group of parents whose children died from marijuana.  We need to stand together, just like those whose kids died of opioids stand together.  We will also make ourselves heard.

When cannabis becomes legal, its dangers intensify, as the experiences of Colorado and California prove. When medical marijuana becomes legal, its dangers intensified in Maryland, as the story of  my son Aaron proves.  Here is Aaron’s story. Continue reading Our Lives Were Changed Forever

Addicted to Weed? How I Suddenly Came to Realize the Truth

Addicted to Weed?  in The Fix on July 19, 2017

There was so much misinformation about marijuana that I was willing to doubt anything negative, even if it was backed by hard science. Then I got a brain scan.

I’d always been told that marijuana addiction was impossible, that it was a harmless herb with only medicinal properties.

I have about a month of sobriety under my belt. I still wake up most days after dreams where I spark a bowl or drop some acid thinking that sobriety is too much, that it isn’t doable, not for me. Continue reading Addicted to Weed? How I Suddenly Came to Realize the Truth