Thanks to the banning of cigarettes in public places, fewer US teens smoke cigarettes, which is safer for all of us. Now that we don’t have as much second-hand tobacco smoke, why should we put up with second-hand marijuana smoke? It’s probably because we’re bamboozled by propagandists who worship pot as if it’s a god, and evangelize as if it’s a religion.
Let’s Not Support Another Addictive Substance
Let’s not add one more addictive, dangerous substance to the drugs that are already legal. We have many legal addictive substances — alcohol, tobacco, Ambien, Xanax, Percocet, OxyContin, Vicodin, Adderall. More options only add to addiction rather than substitute for other choices. The majority of teens who are in substance abuse treatment use marijuana more frequently than alcohol, other drugs and addictive substances. Continue reading Let’s Not Support More Addiction