Tag Archives: Luke Goodman

Parents’ Pot Use Leads to Neglect, Death in Fires, Part 2

(Part 1 shows child justice failures in Court. Part 2 of this series is about neglected children who died in fires. Part 3 covers children who die in hot cars and in drownings. Part 4 explains parents who are addicted or psychotic from marijuana. Part 5 shows how children die through violence related to pot. Part 6 presents a solution. Download our updated fact sheet on 80 deaths from marijuana. Read a previous article,Three Children Die in Colorado.)

43 Unnecessary Deaths, the Innocent Victims of Parents’ Pot Habits

On January 13, 2014, two-year old Levi Welton tragically died in a fire in Colorado while his parents smoked pot. Also in January, 2014, Heather Jensen was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the deaths of her sons, ages 2 and 4. The Jensen boys died in a hot car while their mom left them and smoked pot — a few weeks after Colorado’s historic vote to legalize marijuana.

The stories were in the Denver news the same month that recreational marijuana stores opened in Colorado, January 2014.  The national press ignored these two horror stories with a marijuana connection, but made a huge issue of marijuana commercialization, the story promoted by the marijuana industry. Continue reading Parents’ Pot Use Leads to Neglect, Death in Fires, Part 2

New Concerns About Marijuana Edibles

Earlier this year, an elementary school in Seattle had an incident of a child bringing edible marijuana to the lunchroom.   So far this year, 14 children in the state of Washington were poisoned by marijuana edibles, according to an article in the Spokane Spokesman-Review.

The count of 14 is equal to the number of children taken in for marijuana poisonings in the state of Colorado last year.   In Colorado, there have been three deaths attributed to marijuana edibles.  In one case, a man shot his wife after eating a candy. Her 911 call revealed that he had eaten the candy and he wanted her to shoot him.

The CDC issued a report on the death of Levy Thamba Pongi Continue reading New Concerns About Marijuana Edibles