Monitoring the Future,* the nation’s annual survey of students, reported today marijuana use in 8th, 10th and 12th grades was higher than last year. The survey also found that students in medical marijuana law states vaped marijuana at higher rates than students in other states, and consumed pot edibles (that can come in candies, sodas, or ice-creams) at double the rate than in non-medical marijuana law states. The survey does not include youth who drop out of school.
Misuse of prescription opioids continued its 10-year decline. Virtually all other substances are at their lowest point in the history of the survey. The contrast is very significant, because many people think the overprescribing of opioids is the only reason our youth die of drug abuse. They fail to reflect on the fact that early marijuana use is a predictor of other substance abuse. Continue reading Annual Survey Shows Marijuana Use Up Among Grades 8, 10, & 12