I Wish We Had Never Moved Here…..

Born in Massachusetts, our son started out life with a very bright future.  As a toddler he was interested in things with wheels, and anything his big sister was doing. As he got older, Legos was his obsession. In his early school days he tended to get really into a subject, even those of his … Continue reading I Wish We Had Never Moved Here…..

Marijuana Lobby Plays Retribution and Slander to the Max

The Power and Deception of the Marijuana Lobby Since the marijuana industry bought off ALL of the companies authorized to collect petition signatures in Colorado, it’s not surprising how deep corruption runs through that industry.   Some dirty  tactics have been going on for years.   (Please read Part 1 and Part 2 of exposing the deceptive tactics of … Continue reading Marijuana Lobby Plays Retribution and Slander to the Max

Dr. McKeganey Warned of the Marijuana – Mental Illness Link

PSA Warning Issued in 2005 was Ignored Eleven years ago the ONDCP and SAMHSA held a press conference to inform of research that confirms what many families already knew–that marijuana use was a trigger for psychosis and mental illness. The ONDCP is the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy; SAMHSA is the Substance … Continue reading Dr. McKeganey Warned of the Marijuana – Mental Illness Link