Hash Oil Explosions Continue in California

At least five hash oil explosions have erupted in California over the past month while residents were using butane to extract “honey” oil from marijuana.  The worst fire occurred in Walnut Creek on Halloween, when a 4-unit apartment building went up in flames.  The entire street was affected, and a total of 12 apartment units … Continue reading Hash Oil Explosions Continue in California

Hash Oil Explosions Rise with Legal Pot

Another consequence of changing a public policy to benefit the 6- 7% of adults who use marijuana is the slew of hash oil explosions which have occurred this year.  Making BHO, butane hash oil is a relatively easy, but dangerous, process. Did anyone figure ambulances, fire fighters and emergency medical care into the cost of … Continue reading Hash Oil Explosions Rise with Legal Pot

BHO Explosions: Other states

Most BHO explosions occur in west coast states, Colorado and Michigan.  But they’ve also been discovered in New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, Illinois and elsewhere. Colorado In April 2014, four BHO explosions occurred in Colorado within one week.  In one case, responders rescued an infant and four-year-old after a father made BHO in a townhouse … Continue reading BHO Explosions: Other states