Justin Trudeau Ignores Family Lessons to Push Marijuana Agenda
Justin Trudeau is good looking, has a glamorous wife and evokes the Canadian version “Camelot.” Perhaps to lure young voters and please the marijuana lobbyists, he promised to legalize marijuana.
Some provinces, such Quebec, never wanted to accept his plan. The PM wants Canada to appear more “progressive” than the US, but at what cost to his people?
Trudeau’s mother, Margaret, has stated that every time she went into a manic episode it was precipitated by heavy marijuana use.

Justin Trudeau limited his own intake of marijuana to 5 or 6 times. Obviously, he knew of his own genetic vulnerability and was not willing to risk more. Perhaps he thinks he can educate his three children appropriately. Many people do not know their own vulnerability, and his family’s problem is not so unusual.
Doesn’t he realize marijuana will lead to genocide for people with similar genes whose brains are vulnerable to THC? Does he realize that today’s high-THC marijuana negatively affects more people than the marijuana of yesterday? (Mrs. Trudeau was affected by old-fashioned marijuana, when people still called it a “soft” drug. The study of 45.000 Swedish conscripts that established the link for marijuana and schizophrenia was based on weaker marijuana.
Colorado and Washington prove THC goes up after legalization, and that the marijuana industry adamantly refuses to reduce THC.
Marijuana converts to long-term mental illness more than any other drug that can trigger psychosis. Forty-seven percent of those with marijuana-induced psychosis will convert to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
Trudeau Leaps Before he Looks
Trudeau leaps before he looks. Science hasn’t figured out the genetics of THC vulnerability and law enforcement hasn’t found good tools to prevent stoned driving. Nearby Washington state experiences a dramatic number of murders committed by teens for the sake of marijuana. Given marijuana’s cult status, Canada should expect the same, if it legalizes pot.
Perhaps Trudeau feels a need to make dramatic gestures because he follows the legacy of a “larger than life” father. Trudeau’s advisors have failed him, because the studies linking marijuana to mental illness are voluminous. And the problems with stoned driving and violence are out of control.
Other MPs Speak out against marijuana
Despite the worldwide recognition of how dangerous the drug, Trudeau’s plan passed the House of Commons by a vote of 200-82. Members debated the issue. Some made brilliant statements against legalization. MP Kellie Leitch said “As a pediatric surgeon, I spent most of my professional career putting children back on the playground to play. This bill does exactly the opposite of taking care of kids.”
MP David Sweet gave an eloquent speech. He said that “30% to 40% of young people who use cannabis under the age of 25 will develop psychotic disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders. Let me repeat that, upward of one-third of people under 25 who use marijuana will develop psychotic disorders, depression, or anxiety disorders. That is far too many.” (He was referring to those who use heavily, when speaking before the House of Commons. Canada plan is to legalize for age 18, not 21, meaning use will be much heavier than it is now.)
Perhaps the Prime Minister is thinking legalize now and educate later, but Colorado learned educating becomes too difficult after legalization. Perhaps he has succumbed to the rhetoric of the Drug Policy Alliance, a drug advocacy group. It appears that he really does not seem to care, or have one ounce of compassion for those harmed by pot.
MP Gerard Deltell said: “If by some misfortune this bill is passed and the government’s goal of legalizing marijuana on July 1, 2018, is achieved, this will have an adverse and terrifying effect on Canadian families….the procession of family tragedies that this will generate, the procession of lives destroyed, and the procession of incredibly destructive problems that Canadians will face, like the people of Colorado and Washington.”