Earlier this year, an elementary school in Seattle had an incident of a child bringing edible marijuana to the lunchroom. So far this year, 14 children in the state of Washington were poisoned by marijuana edibles, according to an article in the Spokane Spokesman-Review.
The count of 14 is equal to the number of children taken in for marijuana poisonings in the state of Colorado last year. In Colorado, there have been three deaths attributed to marijuana edibles. In one case, a man shot his wife after eating a candy. Her 911 call revealed that he had eaten the candy and he wanted her to shoot him.
The CDC issued a report on the death of Levy Thamba Pongi which occurred in March, 2014. Luke Goodman’s family believes that his death by suicide after ingesting marijuana edibles certainly makes it attributable to the drug. There is a call for tougher warnings, although marijuana is not legal on a federal level.
In April, a teenager fell from a three-story apartment building and was critically injured in Fort Collins, Colorado, after eating a marijuana brownie. His mother was arrested for giving her son a marijuana brownie. He miraculously survived.
Unfortunately, the edibles problem has spread to Canada, especially to Vancouver with its close proximity to Washington. It is now happening in other states that have do not have commercial marijuana. A Wisconsin father who brought the edibles in Colorado ended was charged with child endangerment after his 8-year-old daughter ate a marijuana-laced cookie. In Michigan, authorities are investigating to see if a father let his 7-year old and his 9-year old get into marijuana-infused gummy bears.
Some other stories of marijuana edibles: The 420 Bar; Maureen Dowd’s marijuana edibles experience. More recently there was the story of a father who ate his daughter’s brownie.
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